Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How do you know what to combine?

Just found this interesting chart on Facebook.

I have been asked a few times how to know what to combine with what, so this might be a smart starting point.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Clean Eating and Juicing

About a week ago I started replacing one meal a day with a vegetable/fruit juice mixture. About 4 days ago I began replacing two meals a day with the juice. I also have eliminated all processed foods from my diet, and meats other than fish. I have never felt better! I want to eventually make it to replacing all my meals each day with juice. Once I am on an all-juice diet I plan to remain on it for about 15-20 days, after which time I will reintroduce raw fruits and veggies into my diet and then slowly begin to add meat.

Here is a link to the juicer that I currently use, there are many others out there as well. I can say that I think it is a good investment, however you can use a blender for many of these recipes as well. The link  is to a the Jack LaLanne website with recipes and other tips and tricks for juicing!

If you haven't yet, I think everyone should watch the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". It's a great documentary that can really show you the importance of what you put into your body and what you can expect to get out of it.

Join The Reboot is the movement that the documentary has created. It's a great place to start with lots of FAQ's about fasting and recipes to get you started. The best feature is that there is an interactive forum where people can come together to share successes and failures they experience while juicing.

I've been taking 'before' pictures of the veggies and fruits that I've put in my juices to post and also I've been compiling some 'Juicing Tips' for those just getting started.

Ingredients (Makes 1 serving):
1 Beet*
1'' Ginger root
2 Large Carrots
1 Pink Lady Apple
1/2 Cucumber
8 Radishes
4 Celery Stalks

*Caution! The beet juice can stain your clothes/hands/etc. Be careful of where you wipe your hands!

Ingredients (Makes 2 servings):
4 Celery Stalks
1 1/2 cup Grapes
2 Cucumbers
3 Carrots
1 Handful of Kale
2 Apples
2 Plums

Don't forget to juice your kale first, followed by a high water content veggie (Cucumber, grapes, etc.). This will give you the maximum amount of juice from the kale! 

Ingredients (Makes 1 serving):
1/2 Cucumber
1 Pear
4 Celery Stalks
*This juice is very sweet and very refreshing, a great morning juice! 

Ingredients (Makes 1serving):
1 Pear
1 Apple
1 Mango*
1 Plum
1 cup Grapes
1/2 Cucumber
3 Celery stalks

*Juicing mango makes this juice much thicker than other juices (almost a smoothie-like feeling), it's very sweet and very delicious, but if texture is an issue for you leave out the mango.

Ingredients (Makes 1 serving):
2 Stalks Kale
3 Large Carrots
1 Apple
1 Plum
1/2 Cucumber
3 Stalks Celery
1'' Ginger root

This is by far my favorite juice! Put the kale in first, with the ginger and followed by 1 stalk of celery. This is the best way to maximize the juice yield from the kale and the ginger root! 

Juicing Tips:
-Juice the low water items first (Leafy greens, ginger, garlic, basil, etc)
-Immediately follow these items with a high water item (Cucumber, Celery, Apple, etc.)
-I usually save the cucumber to juice last, to wash out the remaining juice from the other vegetables. 
-As a general rule, if you don't normally eat the peel of the item, go ahead and remove it before juicing (Citrus fruits, kiwi, etc.)
-Juice can be stored in an air tight container for up to two days, but tastes best immediately after juicing. 
-Items that are good in basically every juice: Cucumbers, Celery, Apples, Carrots. I use these as a base for most juices because they yield lots of juice and have fairly neutral flavors that mesh well with most other flavors.

I'll continue to post more juice recipes and tips as things come up. Happy Juicing!